Week 15 Reading Notes: The Last Week

All semester long I've loved the Jataka Tales. Little did I know I was missing out on some other tales!

In an odd friendship, a scorpion and a tortoise become inseparable. The two were so close that when forced to move, the tortoise offered to take the scorpion on his back across the stream. Well, curiosity kill the cat (the scorpion). The scorpion wanted to see if he could sting through the tortoises shell, and the tortoise promptly flipped over, making the scorpion fall into the river.

This is almost akin to parent who just want the kids in the car to be quiet on a road trip, though this was written much before normal car rides!

From: The Scorpion and the Tortoise by Maude Barrows Dutton

This poor little guy didn't make it


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