Week 8 Progress
Looking back I'm pretty happy with the work I've done so far! I'm definitely most proud of how my storybook is coming along and I can't wait to get more stories out there. My weekly routine could be better because it's unstable. Most of the time, I do the assignments while I'm at work as I work in an advising office, so I have time. Some days I don't have time at work to finish it and it throws me off. I'm looking to do more extra credit to catch up on what I've missed soon!
Looking forward, I'm hoping I can get a better schedule down where I won't miss assignments. Eventually, I want to try writing in something other than prose, but that may come later on. For my website, I may change the formatting around so the pictures for the banners are better visible to the readers.
Looking forward, I'm hoping I can get a better schedule down where I won't miss assignments. Eventually, I want to try writing in something other than prose, but that may come later on. For my website, I may change the formatting around so the pictures for the banners are better visible to the readers.
(cheezburger) |
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