Week 7 Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part C

Arjuna and Shiva: Arjuna take s a solo adventure to the Himalayas. After slowly limiting his living supplies over months at the base of the mountain, he was able to sustain himself on only air. Mid-worship, a boar charges him, and as he shoots it with his bow, another arrow comes in at the exact same time. A large huntsman matches his anger as Arjuna claims they should fight for the kill. After loosing all his arrows into the huntsman to no avail, he offers to wrestle instead. A hand felt his heart and he immediately went to worship instead, and his offerings landed on the large huntsman. He quickly realized it was Shiva he had nearly come to blows with, but Shiva was pleased. Arjuna is granted a full set of celestial weapons, but he is not allowed to use them on weak enemies and may only use them when he is out of normal weapons.

Riddles: After a long chase pursuing a stag, the Pandava brothers look for water. One by one, they approach a pong and a mysterious voice warns them no to drink without answering it's questions. The first four ignore the warnings and proceed to die drinking the water. The fifth, Yudhishthira, approaches and begins to answer the riddles. After answering many many questions, the voice reveals itself as Dharma, the god of Wisdom, and grants two boons. Firstly, he asks his brothers back to life, then he asks that none of them be recognized for one year.

The Cattle Raid: Duryodhana agreed to help the king of Trigartis in raiding Virata for it's king and cattle. Unbeknownst to them, the Pandava brothers were being recruited to help. The brothers rescued the king, then Arjuna on his chariot went to fight on the southern front. With the power of the war shell, he was able to stop the whole invasion with a drop of blood and make the other army retreat. Upon revealing who they were to the king of Virata, many people were happy to see them back from exile.

From: PDE Mahabharata by multiple authors.

Arjuna on his chariot


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